Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bush pardons Rove

In a pre-emptive strike.

Bush said yesterday "The Constitution gives the president the power of clemency to be used when he deems it to be warranted."

"It is my judgment that a pardon in Mr. Rove’s case or cases, which may arise, is an appropriate exercise of this power," Bush said.

"I refer to any mis-guided attempt to prosecute Mr. Rove for betraying a CIA agent or for sacking attorneys for political reasons and all other criminal acts he committed while in the White House, " Bush said.

Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), said Bush should have gone further. "While for a long time I have urged a pardon for Rove and Cheney, I respect the president's decision. This will allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to continue his normal life without the interference of the law."

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