Monday, August 27, 2007

Israel in danger of being wiped off the map

The AIPAC to be Holocauster, this time.

The phenomenal success of the AIPAC in taking over Congress and the White House in America will lead to Israel being destroyed by its own brutishness and hubris.

These vulgar states of mind were developed by the Israelis while ethnically cleansing Palestine and occupying The West Bank and Gaza afterwards.

They will now be exacerbated with the new unlimited military funds ($30 Bl.) just acquired by the AIPAC from the clowns Cheney and Bush and the bought and paid for Congress.
The Israelis next project, having accomplished the illegal and counter-productive invasion of Kuwait by Iraq ( by credit manipulation) and Iraq by the US (by made up intelligence) is to nuke Iran itself or get the ever willing Cheney to bomb it on some pretext or other.
If the dumbos in Israel manage this outrage against Iran, it will be the stick that broke the camel’s back.
Iran is not the Lebanon and even the rag-tag Hezbollah beat the once mighty Israeli army and their corrupt, rapist leaders back across the border in no time.
Iran will hit Dimona and more importantly its waste dump if Natanz and the other nuclear facilities are hit in Iran.
It has the capability to do this.
Dimona might avoid a melt down --- it’s a long shot --- but the waste dump will go up in a nuclear explosion caused by the new water-based bombs developed by Iran right under the noses of Israeli intelligence who spend their time looking for nuclear emissions.
The Iranians say “ why build a nuclear bomb of our own when the Israelis already have one in place for us in Israel”?
How sad it is that the most intellectual and advanced people we had in living Europe for centuries, thousands of years, went back to where their ancestors were sojourning in Palestine, having previously left Iraq as refugees, to become now the most feared and loutish Semite tribe in the Middle East.
Full circles and nuclear clouds on the horizon but not where the clots that run Israel want them.
I think we in Europe should set aside a country, or part of a couple of countries, say parts of Belgium and Holland to give to the Palestinian and Israeli refugees who survive this self inflicted holocaust and will be looking for a new home.

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