Friday, September 14, 2007

The Parrot and the President.

Which one was smarter?

My money is on the parrot.

At least he didn’t kill 650,000 people for nothing.

And he had a winning personality.

Which is more than can be said for the brain damaged president.

Bush’s obsessive/compulsive behaviours re running and cycling and so on are just the tip of the iceberg.

The deranged behaviour permeates the full personality.

Or what’s left of it after years of drink and drug abuse which has left severe brain damage starting from an already low base.

Which one was smarter?

“Yeah, I can’t remember disbanding the Iraqi army”

“Bremer did that.”

What’s the question again?

“I only make BIG decisions.”

Who knows if they’re ever carried out?

“The Parrot ……and he’s dead.”

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